Identifying Your Amanita Major groupsEdibility / ToxicityIdentification CriteriaUsing the guideMajor groups identification keyComplete listFile your photosCollaborations 7 With a partial veil, gray to blackish gray, to dark brown cap 7.8 BALL GOWN AMANITA AMANITA SUBMACULATA Frequency Rare Size Habitat It fruits from July to September under hardwood deciduous trees. Fruit body Large and robust fruitbodies at maturity. Cap Brown, paler at maturity, bald or adorned with white velar flakes. Margin Even, sometimes slightly lined at maturity. Gills ± crowdy, staining with brick red. Stalk Equal to widened downward. Stalk Feature Partial white veil. Slightly bulbous stipe attenuated upwards. Flesh White. Signature chimique Staining of the flesh beige with KOH and NaOH. No chemical reaction on the cap and stipe. Comments Send a comment No comments yet. More photos More pictures of this mushroom For more informations