
Using the guide

This guide lists 52 species of amanita, some of which are very abundant and others very rare. To find your way, we offer you keys which will allow to identify the large group to which your amanita belongs and subsequently to determine the species, this in two or three stages. Each major group includes at most eight species; you can then easily identify your amanita by comparing it to the photos that illustrate and describe each of them.

We recommend that beginners visit the identification criteria section to familiarize yourself with this group and draw your attention to what is important to observe.

However, you should not believe that you will be able to put a precise name on each of your crops, either that the specimen is incomplete (bulb remaining in the ground), too young or too old to have all the information or even that the mushroom does not correspond to any known description. In the latter case, it may be a simple anomaly, a deformity, or a species or subspecies not yet described. The ideal is to have several fruitbodies of the same group illustrating the various stages of the development.


Scientific names

Since the early 2000s, several scientific names have been changed, according to proposals by various authors. Considering that several of these names will have changed again in the next ten years, we are maintening a more traditional approach at this level. However, we give the main names used in the scientific literature so that amateurs can find each other more easily.