Identifying Your Bolete
Pores and Pore Surface
Pores surface yellow when young, slightly browner in age, staining brownish when bruised; pores large, angular, very irrégular, 1 to 2 mm wide.
Stalk Feature
Stipe adorned with glandules and reddish spots over its entire length, on a yellowish background, especially towards the apex. Stipe rarely adorned with a ring or an annular zone.
Chemical reactions
Flesh: black with KOH and NAOH; bluish gray with NH4OH; brownish with phenol; no change with FeSO4 and formalin.
Cap: black with KOH and NaOH; brownish with NH4OH; brown, discolored in the center, with phenol; weak reaction with FeSO4 and no change with formalin.
Tubes: black with KOH and NaOH; reddish brown with NH4OH; brown, discolored in the center, with phenol; no change with FeSO4 and formalin.
With NH4OH, the flesh goes from pink at the very beginning to bluish gray after 30 minutes.
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